Victor and Julia Shvenke have visited Moldova quite often throughout the years. On one of their trips, they met a woman at a church that leads a program that helps those in need. The stories that she told were heartbreaking: orphans and young mothers that are patiently waiting for help, only to be kicked out into the streets at the age of 16; elderly that live in villages that have no access to medical care; families that have no food nor fire to keep them warm throughout the cold month; animal shelters where animals are kept in cages that are stacked on top of one another.
On February 24th, 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine, killing thousands of innocent lives, and leaving millions without a place they call home. Even though it’s one of the poorest countries in the world, Moldova happily opens its arms to the refugees and provides them with the little shelter and food that they have. When Victor and Julia heard about the devastation, God called on them to be His hands and His feet to the hurting world and take action. That is when they created Always Near, a faith based non-profit organization that raises funds for missions in Moldova and around the world.
With your monthly commitment, Always Near can help families like the Delipovich family who live in absolute poverty. The 53-year-old single mother is disabled and her son, Sergey, goes around the village doing small jobs in exchange for food and firewood, because the minimum help they get from the government is not enough to survive. Always Near was able to provide them with food and enough coal and firewood to last through the cold months. Sergey’s dream came true when he received a new pair of sneakers so he could play football, a game he loves so much.
Your donations, whether large or small, will help fund missions for a medical team to provide a village with medical needs that they would not be able to receive otherwise. Animal shelters that are in such desolate areas can be provided with food and assistance with the upkeep of the shelter.
We ask for your monthly commitment to Always Near, so that together we can make a difference.